what is the glycemic index? Importance of Glycemic index

Often when we get a positive PCOS or diabetes test, our dietitians or doctors prescribe us low glycemic index foods. I have come across a lot of people who think low-glycemic food applies only to people with diabetes, but the fact is that low-glycemic index food is also good for Insulin resistant PCOS and weight loss

So let’s see what is the glycemic index? Importance of Glycemic index

What is the Glycemic Index? Importance of Glycemic Index

what is a glycemic index?

Glycemic Index is a measure of how quickly a food can make your blood sugar (glucose) rise. So when you eat any food containing carbohydrates, how quickly the carbohydrate in the food is broken down and absorbed into the bloodstream. Low-glycemic index food releases carbohydrates slowly into the bloodstream whereas high-glycemic food releases carbs rapidly into the bloodstream thus spiking blood-sugar levels. ( This is the main reason why PCOS or Diabetic patients are prescribed low-glycemic index food )

What is the Glycemic Index? Importance of Glycemic Index – Importance

We have all heard that carbohydrates are bad for diabetes or insulin resistance. Our doctors have always been repeatedly telling us to skip carbohydrates if we have diabetes or insulin resistance.

But in many cultures, carbohydrates like rice and bread are staple foods. It comes as a shock to us and our bodies when we suddenly stop eating rice or bread when we are attacked with diabetes or insulin resistance.

This highlights the significance of glycemic index in helping us select alternatives to our usual foods rather than completely eliminating a food group.

As explained earlier, the glycemic index indicates how much and how rapidly a specific food raises blood sugar levels in our body. This knowledge assists individuals in selecting the right foods, allowing them to enjoy eating without sacrificing flavor! By doing this, you can balance not only your blood sugar levels but also your vitamins and minerals. However, it’s important to note that none of this will be effective if you don’t maintain a healthy lifestyle. A balanced lifestyle combined with a nutritious diet can aid in reversing diabetes, ultimately leading to a diabetes-free life.

What is the Glycemic Index? Importance of Glycemic Index – A smalll note on Glycemic Load

Now that we know an outline of What is the Glycemic Index? Importance of Glycemic Index… I would like to draw your attention to a new term called glycemic load

Glycemic Load represents the quality and quantity of carbohydrates that should be present in the meal. Glycemic load determines how much and what quality of carbohydrate should be consumed so that there is a prolonged blood glucose level

Glycemic load of >20 is considered high, GL of 11-19 is intermediate and GL of <10 is considered low. (You can find the values easily in the internet and decide which food to incorporate into your diet). Example of high glycemic load foods are white rice, potatoes etc.

While considering glycemic load or even glycemic index, understand that your entire plate or the majority of your plate should have foods with low Glycemic Index (GI) or Glycemic Load (GL), this will help in controlling the sugar spikes.

What is the Glycemic Index? Importance of Glycemic Index – Foods high, intermediate and low in GI

Hope now the understanding of What is the Glycemic Index? Importance of Glycemic Index is clearer. Now let’s see the values of glycemic index that will help you decide which foods to pick!

GI range is foods with 55 or less value is considered low, 56-69 is considered intermediate, and 70 or more is considered high.

A few examples of high GI food is whole wheat bread ( GI is 73 ), cheerios ( GI is 74 ), oatmeal (GI is 75), watermelon ( GI is 72 )

Intermediate GI food is white bread ( GI 68 ), papaya ( GI is 60 ), pineapple ( GI is 59 )

Low GI food is hummus ( GI is 6 ), wheat tortilla ( GI is 30 ), Barley ( GI is 25 ), Quinoa ( GI is 53 ), sweet potato ( GI is 48 )

Check out the link for a full list f GI ad GL of various foods.

As I mentioned earlier, when you combine foods with low GI you get less spike in the blood glucose levels but if you have very less or just 1 food with low GI your blood glucose will still show a big spike.. So try to incorporate more foods with low GI

For example, while consuming a roti and sabzi, make sure your sabzi is made with a low-GI vegetable and the rotis are made with millet flour or ragi, etc. Same way while making a sandwich for breakfast, make sure you choose sourdough bread and fill it with loads of veggies and any other low-GI food. This will ensure your cravings are taken care of and will not increase your blood glucose level.

What is the Glycemic Index? Importance of Glycemic Index – How is it helpful with chronic diseases

  1. Cardiovascular diseases – Cardiovascular diseases are becoming an increasing concern in many metropolitan areas. When it comes to nutrition and diet, people often face restrictions and are made to fear certain foods. A meta-analysis study indicated that consuming foods with a high glycemic index (GI) or glycemic load (GL) can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Foods with a higher GI contribute to an increase in body mass index (BMI), which further elevates the risk of these diseases. Therefore, choosing low GI foods can be beneficial not only for managing diabetes but also for reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

2. Cancer – Cancer is a persistent disease that is still taking many of our loved ones away. It is unpredictable and can attack anyone. But the plus point is, we can better our immunity and prevent it as much as possible. Not a lot of research is done on the connection between cancer and low GI foods but one can inculcate having low GI foods and better their immunity!

3. Obesity – Obesity again is something that is seen in every other person! We become obese just not by eating too much processed food but also because of hormonal changes. Tackling obesity due to PCOS/PCOD or any other hormonal issue is considered tougher. Well one of the key points in reducing obesity (any type) is eating low GI foods. This will not only take care of your insulin levels but also your satiety. Unnecessary food cravings even after you eat will be controlled and your glucose spikes will be maintained.

What is the Glycemic Index? Importance of Glycemic Index – Conclusion

Knowing about What is the Glycemic Index? Importance of Glycemic Index is beneficial when it comes to diabetes but also other chronic diseases like cardiovascular, hormonal, obesity and to some extent even cancer.

When you choose foods with low GI or even intermediate GI, your body will show the benefits by helping you with weight loss, providing immunity, and our hero benefit lowering your blood sugar levles! So the next time you eat or cook make sure to include as much as low GI foods keeping in mind!

Hope this was an informative read and you learned something about What is the Glycemic Index? Importance of Glycemic Index.

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Hi, I am NutriJunkie, a nutritionist, I have done my masters in nutrition and dietetics and now I want to help whoever is interested to know about health and fitness learn some nutrition facts which will help them daily and keep them updated in the subject!

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